
Wandshara (FR) (2004-2007), 3yo bay filly

LATEST BLOG POSTS, 11/23/2024:
Article: “The Rise of Fatality Reports” (see below).

This valiant horse has joined our featured list:
Wot No Cash (GB) on “Oldest Racehorses on the Memorial”
(see below).


Bewildered by Del Mar Deaths?

As is true in the case of SeaWorld, a slow but steady drumbeat of
protest over the exploitation of animals for entertainment purposes
is perculating its way through the American consciousness.
~Doug Porter, San Diego Free Press

8/23/2016 — Currently, the mysterious trend in on-track deaths at Del Mar continues. Reported deaths range from 14 to 19 (over the 39-day meet so far) in training and racing, depending upon which story you read. More>>