
Wandshara (FR) (2004-2007), 3yo bay filly

LATEST BLOG POSTS, 11/23/2024:
Article: “The Rise of Fatality Reports” (see below).

This valiant horse has joined our featured list:
Wot No Cash (GB) on “Oldest Racehorses on the Memorial”
(see below).


Welcome to the Memorial

You will find thousands of Thoroughbreds herein who gave their lives
in an extreme sport. Yet many more have gone unreported, whether
missing in action or hidden by the connections or racing authorities
in unfairness to the horses and the public. Therefore, we
seek to give fallen racehorses the honor they deserve.

World Racehorse Memorial
Years 2023–Present
Years 2014–2022
Years 1800–2013
Track Codes & Locations

Historical Document for the Horses

Purpose & Criteria

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